Thursday, May 22, 2008

Not gonna do it-
wouldn't be prudent.

Even though I really, really want to, I am not going to rant about what happened to us last night. Ranting causes cancer.


Ok, this is SO HEINOUS, I cannot abstain. And we need to paint a realistic picture of Portland, not leaving out the fact that there are clueless, inconsiderate people here too.

We went to our very first 'Home Community' group--a local group gathering of people from the church we've been going to. And no joke, someone brought their VERY sick kid. And I asked what was wrong with her and the mother (apparently, a doctor, who used to live here but is just visiting from Kansas) answered: 'she has a fever and has been vomiting since last night.' 'Oh,' says I. (Audrey had not been near the kid--we'd only been there a few minutes.) 'She was around some sick kids last week,' says the mom. The poor child looked MISERABLE, and was wrapped up in a towel, laying in her mom's lap.
'That's a very long incubation for a flu,' says I (absolutely freaking out that someone with a kid with the flu would bring them around 12 other kids. 'Oh, it's not the flu,' says she. 'What is it?' asks I. 'Probably the Rota virus,' says she. 'Does she have diarhrea?' asks I. 'She will tomorrow' states the lady who I don't know, very matter-of-factly. (For those who don't know it, Rota-virus is an intestinal virus accompanied by PROFUSE diarrhea; it won't harm adults, but which is extremely serious for young children because of dehydration. Over 80,000 young kids in the U.S. are hospitalized every year as a result of it.)

Immediately, Mike and I had a huddle outside and decided that, despite our desire not to offend anyone or be unkind-- Audrey and I would leave immediately.

I'm sorry, people, call me paranoid but if a kid contracts something and there is no way you could have foreseen it, that's just life. And yes, it is a rampant and common disease. But seriously, HOW COULD I STAY AND LET MY KID BE KNOWINGLY EXPOSED TO THE FREAKIN' ROTA-VIRUS?


Last week, we did not attend this event because Audrey had a cold and we didn't want to get anyone else sick.

Am I the only one that thinks this is sheer insanity and the absolute definition of inconsiderate?

Ok, I want to go on and on. But I won't. Thank you for indulging me in this brief, cleansing rant. Hopefully, it will cleanse the cancer-causing anger out of my colon.


DeniseMarie said...

It's never good to harbor cancer-causing anger in your colon, so good for you for letting this out. As I've already told you, I think you were absolutely in the right to leave and did what was best for Audrey. Don't be ashamed and next time you go to this group DON'T be apologetic or self-conscious. You did nothing wrong.

Molly W. said...

That is ridiculous! It is unreal to me that a parent would be that clueless and inconsiderate! Not only to the others there but to their poor child who would CLEARLY rather be at home in bed recovering, UNREAL.

b said...

What a relief to know that I am not the only one to think this is insane. MAN, people are clueless nowadays.

b said...

That poor little girl looked like she was thinking, 'just shoot me.' But noooh, she had to attend an event with 12 loud kids and the pungent smells of spaghetti and garlic bread wafting through the air. (Does that mom have absolutely NO empathy or memory of how AWFUL it is to be around food smells when you are throwing up?) Poor baby couldn't talk. Too bad she didn't know how to sign, I'm sure she would have had a 'sign' or two for mommy and daddy.

Kellyry said...


Anonymous said...

I was getting angry just reading your blog. That is crazy that a mom would bring a child who was that sick into a group of children or adults. How rude of her. I get so mad at that same thing. No wonder my family has been so sick this year....crazy parents like that. So inconsiderate.

Anonymous said...

That is craziness! I was totally crackin up reading this though..It made me think of our conversation at dinner about exposing germs! haha! I miss you like crazy already! Luv you guys! Give my favorite "Gettin Jiggy With It" Girl a big kiss and hug from me! =)

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the oblivions aren't just confined to CA - my native self was beginning to feel offended. Amazing the number of people today who just don't get it!

Creative Mama said...

OK so normally... I just fine with Caiah getting a cold, a runny nose... a cough... he never seems bothered by any of it...and I figure he's building his ammune system... BUT I must say I agree with you on the ROTO VIRUS... that's frustrating...

b said...

You know what it is? I've been thinking about it and the thing is that in our generation we simply cannot stand to deny ourselves anything. We simply cannot miss out. We will not. So if others (including our kids, our fellow humans, our bank accounts, etc. must suffer--so be it.) Heaven forbid we not do or have exactly what we want, when we want it.

No wonder our country is going down the tubes- FAST.