Monday, May 19, 2008


It hit me the other day that I needed to find time for the important things, like scouring my bathtub. Yeah, bathing your baby in a tub that is filthy with a soap scum ring and the little prickly bits of hair from your shaved legs, well it kind of defeats the point.

It feels like it's taking forever to get unpacked. We are having so much fun being here, but truth be told, we haven't made much progress in creating order since Denise left. I'm trying to call to mind the good advice of those who know and love me to give it lots of time and that enjoying life is more important than order and perfection. So in the meantime, the house is a mess. But hey.

This is also what has kept me from blogging because I keep waiting for a time when everything will be finished so I can give more pictures of the perfect order that never will arrive. So here are a few pics of the process.

Albeit significantly smaller and older (and despite some unholy swearing trying to fit all my stuff into it), I love our 'new' little kitchen. We are still working on putting it all together creatively and functionally, but this is what's done so far-thanks again, to the handiness of Denise and Mike... (while my ideas are endless, their patience, precision and know-how makes stuff actually happen.)

We wallpapered the backs of a few open kitchen cupboards to add a bit of vintage pizazz where wall-space for decoration is otherwise scant. Also, we installed basic magnet strips for knives and spices.

I love an eclectic, but clean blend of old and contemporary together, so we were pleased with the results. And everything you see is 100% functional stuff that we use on a regular basis because, as you know, me-no-likey knick-knacks.

Yes, my spice collection is extensive and yes, I actually use them all.

The plastic play kitchen and shopping cart are really messing up the look of my Breakfast Nook. I should have gone with the cuter, wooden kitchen. Not to mention the fact that supple, colorful wooden food is just so much nicer to touch and put in one's mouth, as A has discovered.

More pics still to come for those who've asked to see our new nest.


Kellyry said...

If it were just you & M, I'm sure you'd have everything set up and organized in no time. Ah, the fun of having a child whose adorableness steals you away from other duties. Worth it in the long run, though, to spend it with A.

What is done looks lovely! The wall-paper adds a great splash of design.

DeniseMarie said...

I got quite attached to your little home while I was there, and seeing these pictures makes me miss it and you guys even more. I'm assuming the wallpaper is staying up ok?

Anonymous said...

Hi B,
What you have done look great.. love the wall paper.. it blends very well in with the pale yellow of the walls.. which is really nice as well.

You know that first pic you posted of A - the blue steal pose... for the first time, I am starting to see U in A. I have always thought her at the true but feminine version of M, but now I see the she is getting your eyes.. she is a luck little one! ;o)

Molly W. said...

I have house envy -looks darling!

Anonymous said...

Your home should be featured in SUNSET magazine! You've done a wonderful job!