Friday, May 9, 2008

Why we love it here

The reasons that we already love living here are the same reasons that we decided to move here in the first place. Here are a few, in no particular order:

1.) THIS is the view from our living room window:

2.) THIS is the view from our dining room:

3.) People are nice and just normal and friendly. They go on walks, mow their lawns, look you in the eye and say 'hi'. Other kids even wave freely to Audrey (usually she's waving at other children who turn away because they're supposed to be suspicious of strangers.) We were only here one day before we got invited to a birthday party.

4.) Today we have gone to grocery shop, the hardware store, buy coffee and a fantastic dinner, all without getting into our car once.

5.) The nearest park is a 5-minute walk (1/4 mile)--has geese, a pond, gorgeous old trees, old playground toys and no punk-$%^hoodlum teenagers intimidating other kids and blocking the slides. Just nice, normal people drinking coffee and watching their kids play.

There are tons of other parks within walking distance and the trailhead for Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge is a 10-minute walk from our house. This trail, which borders the Wilammette river also leads to a historic, super-charming old amusement park still open in Spring and Summer: Oaks Park (opened in 1905!).

6.) We were here for 5 days before we saw someone's boobs hanging out.

7.) There aren't just restaurants within walking distance--there are excellent restaurants within 5 minutes from our house. Because it's been 'vacation' while we were moving in, we've eaten out alot. We have discovered fantastic Mexican, Thai, Greek, Pizza and Bakery's within 5 minutes--and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Mike went to check his email and discovered a cool Irish Public House with live folk singing. And while there are a few she-she places mixed in, most are reasonably priced and have outdoor dining.

8.) We got to go to a really great church, and do this on the way, because we were early:

and this

and this

9.) Lots of people ride bikes, drive fuel efficient cars, and take public transportation.

10.) People leave their window shades/curtains open--even in the evenings. be continued.


Molly W. said...

Today while I was outside w/ B and the UPS driver waved to B and smiled I thought to myself "that's not something that happens in Cali." Funny being in Oregon for now...pretty day today huh?

Anonymous said...

It sounds like heaven! Unfortunately that is how I remember California when I was growing up. It's a shame what it has become. I loved the boob comment! People in CA don't know how ridiculous they look to the rest of the US with their massive cleavage showing and plastic surgery. It says "I have no brain but I've got boobs!"

Kellyry said...

This place couldn't be more perfect for you guys!

Unknown said...

Hi guys,

great to read about your journey and the beginning of your new life... Kelly is right, it sounds just perfect! Be sure to let us have more some pics of the house.

DeniseMarie said...

Being there with you helping to get you settled in was such a blessing, due mostly to the fact that I was able to see firsthand just how perfect a fit Portland is for you guys. I have no doubt you'll continue to be happy there for a very long time. Miss you guys more than words can say, though.

Anonymous said...

Glad you guys can walk so many places...will keep you from getting tickets until you can lose your CA license plates :-P

Glad to hear you had a safe trip.

b said...

Laurie and Michela--it's about time you guys chime in with a few comments. I MISS YOU GUYS.

Matt--I hope everything is finally slowing to a bearable pace. Love to Julie...