Monday, July 30, 2007

LOOVE these.

Not much for knick-knacks...ok-that's a major understatement. We HATE tchotckes.

No offense to those who love the aforementioned, but the site of 'Collectors Item' this and 'Special Edition' that are just not our thing. We are constantly trying to eliminate clutter and therefore normally limit our acquisition of decorative items to a meaningful memento from our travels, etc. (we already have too many! where will we put those from future trips?) But these were too neat to pass up. Even more stunning in person, their natural color and texture are mesmerizingly tranquil.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Elmo pj's & other recent happs

Well, it's been a while since our last posting. This is not for a lack of desire...just more of a priority thing, I guess; as parents of a young child, blogging and checking email are relegated to the category of magazine-reading and movie-watching--precious 'me time.'

So for those of you who rely on our posts to keep you abreast of family happenings, there's alot to catch up on.

First, notice, in above picture, what has entered our home: character pajamas. I knew this tacky clothing category was inevitable at some point in time but never did I think that 1.) it would come so soon and 2.) I would actually be the one purchasing said tacky clothing items. And who knew? We don't even have regular tv so Audrey's exposure to Elmo is limited to 2 videos given to her (thanks Kir, Erika) , which she has watched may be 5 times total. But she LOVES him. Holy cow.

Audrey has also had her first 'official' haircut (buzzing does not count).

No, Audrey, it never does turn out like the picture in the magazine--not even in an Aveda salon.

In the meantime, Mike (and his dad), has been building a rock wall in our backyard with stones that they painstakingly collected from the Mojave riverbed.

It looks great so far (progress report to follow)!

Audrey and I have been taking full advantage of our local park, swinging and having little picnics on the playground. On this particular day our neighbors, Andrea, Dara and Caelinn Sullivan joined us...

The Sullivans recently moved from San Diego, to our neighborhood...

Dara is an aspiring gymnast, with stunningly daring signature moves such as the 'Fray-Linn'

The girls LOOOVE swinging

Oh--and how about a bout of food poisoning and flu within the same week? While in Palm Springs (this year's venue for the annual Father/Son 'Let's golf where it's insanely hot and therefore dirt cheap tournament') Doing any sort of strenuous activity in 116 degrees? Are you kidding me--the pools were too hot to swim in enjoyably (no exaggeration) This is truly golf for die-hards.

Brandi got violently ill from a mushroom risotto. Only 2 days later while celebrating his parents 40th wedding anniversary (a very belated fest at the Sky Room), Mike was overcome with a flu. Audrey had a bit of it as well, but didn't get nearly as sick as Mike--poor guy. And congrats to Mom & Dad on 40 years of love & commitment!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Photo Shop: a word of caution

A good friend recently discovered the amazing aesthetic....shall we say 'boost' that Photo Shop can provide to pictures. A few good, prudent words of caution are in order for those who are unaware of its dangers:

First, make a very CLEAR mental note for yourself about the date and time that you begin applying Photo Shop (PS hereafter) effects to your pictures. If you don't, you will begin to have exaggerated ideas of how ugly, aged, blotchy...etc. you have 'suddenly' become. This is a function of three natural and classic PS user phenomena: 1.) As novelty of employing the program wears off and 2.) You become an increasingly less discriminating digital photographer (read: take more and more crappy pictures (because it doesn't cost anything) which you never delete (because, 'hey, you never know when you might need a photo of someone's elbow for whatever reason) and 3.) Your life affords you less and less time for non-essential computer tasks; Suma sum arum: eventually, you will stop using PS and all your pictures will once again look like crap. Or, in more zen-like language: you will look like your 'natural' self once again.

Finally, be very, very careful when employing 'thinning' techniques to enhance your appearance in pictures, lest you become the laughing stock of all who know you. A former colleague 'doctored' her photo for a company Web site just ever-so-slightly and it was embarrassingly obvious because her dog (which she was holding in the picture) looked like Farrah Facet on Phen-phen. What's worse, unbeknown to her, this picture had become a mass email 'forward'. I have provided an example of the applied 'thinning' technique onto a picture of Audrey's (then) 9-month old leg below.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The firecracker turns 30!

Tomorrow we will be celebrating a very significant day: the 30th birthday of my sister, Kelly. Kelly is a very busy woman-- a dedicated sister, friend and aunt. She is currently pursuing her Psy.D and considering moving out of state next year when she transfers. (Poor us--what would we do without her?) Seriously, we would miss her madly but applaud her courage and ambition.

Happy Birthday, Kell!!!!! We love you to the moon and back...and know exciting things are in store for you this coming year.

Pictured above: Kelly and Samuel (our nephew)