Thursday, January 3, 2008


Here we are, winding down the Christmas festivities. This last family gathering happened on December 29th, so I'm not THAT far behind in posting.

Audrey discovers a very old toy that Nanna has kept through the generations

Our happy little family...

Now you might be thinking: 'boy this sure is alot of pictures of these people and their kid'--and you're right. But hey, if you're bored, there are other blogs out there.

Toddler on the go:
She's content to look at Santa for about 1 1/2 seconds...before needing to flee!

This color-coordination thing was not planned. I am so not into color coordinating-not with my spouse, or anyone else for that matter, unless it really, really matters to them.

The Morris clan...

Our sweet niece, Katie-boo...

Val, boy-Chris and girl-Chris

Squinty and Joe

Faith-y and Audre-y

Da boys sippin' DP and havin' a good laugh!

Val and AB

Jez doin' something suspicious around the tree...

Jesse (Tim and Ashley in background)

Uncle Phil, A and Aunt Mindy

Tim and Ashley

Grandma...we love Grandma

Silly chics


Kellyry said...

Audrey's outfit is FAB. Love the silver shoes. So trendy for a 16 month old!

b said...

Those shoes are inherited from her trendy Danish friend, Maddie. Who else would buy silver shoes but Lone? She's so daring and I'm the benefactor, in this case!