Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hey Molly: It snows here 2.

We may not have big pine trees, bay windows or Yosemite near by, but it snows here in tract-homes-R-us too, Molly.

Close up of real life snow on grass:

On another note, this little kid of mine is good for new laughs every day.

Yesterday, M and I are talking in his office. Notice which book A picks from his bookshelf:

Her two newest words are 'Oprah' (pronounced: 'O-puh') and 'question mark' (pronouned: 'qwemuck.' She has never seen the Oprah show (poor kid has loser parents with no cable) but became obsessed with her on the cover of an old 'O magazine' issue on my nightstand. She kept pointing at her (this is my cue to name what she's pointing at) and so I said, 'lady' but this was not the answer she wanted, 'uh, swimsuit?' I tried again (Oprah was in a pool). No, this was not what she wanted to know. 'Oprah?' I queried. 'Opuh!' she exclaimed. Man, how we underestimate the intelligence of these little people!

Qwemuck comes from one of her favorite books, 'Alicia's Best Friends', where Alicia's friends try to force her to pick one best friend and this forces poor Alicia into crisis. On one page, there is a giant question mark above Alicia's head, as she ponders which of her friends she will choose. It's been over a month since we last read that book together, at which time I pointed out that this was called a question mark and that it meant Alicia didn't know what to do. So yesterday, as we're reading the book again, Audrey points to the qwemuck and say's 'hmmmmmm.....?' while tapping her chin. I just stared at the child in disbelief.

Other funny things.... (anyone still even reading this?)

She L-O-V-E-S looking at Thomas Keller's 'Bouchon' cookbook...
(oh--and points to his picture on the back cover so I'll say, 'Thomas Keller.'

Is obsessed with being pushed around the house in her doll-stroller. (And climbing into anything that is too small for her, in general. A few days ago she tried to sit in a regular-sized shoe box (literally.)

And is completely addicted to all stuffed animals. This is Jay the giraffe, being forced to wear mommy's headband--which he does not like, as you can see.


Kellyry said...

This kid is a genius, I tell you! (Not surprised by this fact considering she is my niece/goddaughter.)

But um...isn't there something lacking when MY NIECE can say Oprah's name before mine? What kind of parents are you?!

Molly W. said...

I hope you are enjoying your snow!! Cute kid by the way. :)

Anonymous said...

I luv hearing all about my precious lil cousin!...She is too funny, I luv it...Bring on the cute stories I am missing out on. Can't wait till you guys come to visit! Miss and Luv you all!