Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What lives for more than 900 years?

We probably all understand, on some level, that our choices impact the world around us. However, until seeing these numbers in Tuesday's edition of USA Today, it hadn't really hit me, what a significant decision, 'paper or plastic?' really is.

Before now, I've bought the re-useable bags to sack my groceries and remembered them only about 5 out of 10 times. Storing them in my car helps significantly. But still, sometimes my memory is lazy.

As Anne Lamott said of our fleeting lives: "100 years from now? All new people."

Which sparks another thought: "900 years from now? All my plastic bags, still here."

P.S. Neither of us are very politcally adamant or active, but last night M and I had fun taking a quiz (out of several, this one was definitely the best and most comprehensive), which quantifies your political alignment with various candidates based on issues. Since we are so adamantly against going with the current tide of voting based on 'cult of personality' or empty rhetoric, we found it extremely helpful and interesting. Completing this quiz might help you see who you should really vote for--it did for us! Click here to take the quiz.


Kellyry said...

I too own several re-usable grocery totes and I too forget to use them most of the time. Only for me, it's not 5 out of 10, it's more like 10 out of 10. It should just be a simple thing to do and remember, but alas...

DeniseMarie said...

Ditto here. Even keeping them in the car doesn't help. But something that truly irks me is how wasteful and inefficient the baggers are when I DO remember to bring them in. Seriously, they'll put like 3 items in each of my cloth bags and then out the rest in plastic, PLUS they'll put the milk in its own plastic bag. Uhm....if I brought my own bags then chances are I'm trying to help you conserve, moron.

Anonymous said...

Funny. I found the same candidate quiz while I was sitting in class last night (paying close attention to the professor obviously). Did the quizes for the two of you come out similar to each other? Mine confirmed where I was leaning - hope the data they're using is sound - just sent in my ballot today!

b said...

Matt: no, actually, they didn't confirm where we thought we were leaning (not way off, but different than we thought). Our results were actually the same candidate, but our percentages were different.