Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Sick baby.

I am convinced that nothing in the whole world is more sad than seeing one's baby sick and suffering.

This past week was busy with many fun events, but ended very sadly with our precious baby getting very, very sick. Some sort of gastro-intestinal virus (we originally thought it was food-poisoning due to such a sudden onset), landed her in the hospital Monday. After several days of vomiting, our beloved daughter was becoming dehydrated. To make matters worse, Mike was on the way home from a meeting in Orange County, trapped in the hell of the Devore fires, unable to get home. Luckily, a man in the hospital waiting room was able to direct him to a little-known side street/off-road way around the blocked freeways (M grew up here and never ever knew about it) and he got through and came straight to the hospital.

Deeply grateful that this particular illness is something that, God willing, will pass in the next week or so, I cannot even begin to imagine the pain that parents' of terminally ill children experience.

As for California burning...very apocalyptic. The clouds of smoke rise like waves around our home looking precisely like a scene out of the book of Revelation. Air is hot, heavy and dead. Gotta love California. Or not.

I love the irony of this posting directly next to 'My cup runneth over.' Hey, despite the sad report above, my cup still runneth over. Oh please, God, don't let this be some sort of Job scenario. Anyone else waiting for the other shoe to drop?


DeniseMarie said...

Yep, I am. It seems otherworldly, doesn't it? It doesn't help that our life already feels in limbo and outside of reality because we've been holed up in the house and not going to work as Matt recuperates from his surgery. Then before we knew it we were encircled by fires, the sky at 11am was orange, the air thick with smelly smoke, and then the ash started falling--and we're about 40 miles from the closest fire! Crazy.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your sick baby and the looming fires. You're right - there's nothing worse than a sick child and I, too, wonder how parents of terminally ill children manage to get through every day. Even the smallest discomfort can be heartbreaking.

How is everyone now? Baby better, I hope?

Keep us posted on how everyone is holding up and know you are in our prayers.

b said...

Yummy Mummy: Thanks for your concern! It's awful...
D: glad to hear that Matt is recuperating.

See today's update, gotta run for now.