Monday, October 15, 2007

Hanger Guilt

I do this.


Anonymous said...

OMG! Hilarious! This is pretty neurotic...fits me to a t, also!

BTW - Lucy just looked over my shoulder and saw your hanger picture and said, "Wow! Cool picture, Mommy!"

Thought you'd want to know you are popular with the toddler set!

Kellyry said...

Hahaha! That is hilarious. It does seem that by using the ugly, wire, mishapen hangers, that we are somehow relegating those wardrobe items to an inferior status. Poor button-up shirts.

DeniseMarie said...

Yup, I do this too. But I rarely feel bad for the shirts that get the more dumpy hangers. But something I do feel bad about is.....using the best hangers for my own clothes and saving the dumpy ones for Matt's clothes. :(

b said...

Hilarious honesty. Comfort yourself and assuage your guilty conscience with the fact that your husband absolutely could not care less. 100% for shizzle (I confirmed with M.)