Monday, October 8, 2007

Superficial, but serious question

Lately I've seen quite a few women with freakishly large, clearly fake, perfectly stenciled eyebrows; pretty girls, who seem to have otherwise payed great attention to laying their makeup. I did once see them demo-ing some sort of eyebrow stencil at Nordstrom.

So is this the latest trend or something? Am I alone, riding on a one-way ticket to Nerdville?


Kellyry said...

I'm eyebrow stencil (as in, a stencil to serve as a guide to trim/pluck/wax into a certain shape) or fake eyebrows that are glued or some other way attached to the brow bone?

I know of several companies that have stencils that are clear plastic with a whole cut out in different shapes, so you hold up the stencil to your eyebrow (after determining which shape is best for you) and then do what you need to do to get your eyebrows into the shape you want.

DeniseMarie said...

I've seen those stencils that Kell described, but I've never used one nor have I seen anyone lately with noticeably big and fake painted or drawn-on brows....That would be weird and I think I would stare horribly. Perhaps these are cancer patients who have lost their brows and have no choice but to paint them on while going through chemo???

b said...

Ok, you know how I sometimes do a bad job with the eyebrow pencil so that you can see the fake line, slightly?

Well, this is completely different. This is like clown eyebrows--really, really wide and huge ones, painted on so that no none, including the oldest man, with the weakest eyesight, would mistake them for real. It is very hard not to stare at these.
Just wondering how this can happen, on purpose.

DeniseMarie said...

Maybe it's a desert thing? Now I actually want to see it, though.

Creative Mama said...

Could they be tatoo'd on? I've heard of it... ?

b said...

It's not a desert thing; I saw it down in Rancho several times. They may be tatooed. That could be it. But it looks painted.

In any case, it's deeply unfortunate for the otherwise beautiful faces.