Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Basil and Barn Floors
Because regular donkeys just aren't cute enough.

Wouldn't you know it: all of the death, illness and worry in the past few weeks have put me in a funk. Luckily, our basil is growing like a madman and a pot of garlic-laden pomodoro sauce is simmering on the stove for dinner. What else...? Still a wee-bit early for the 'chard 'chilling in the fridge--considering that I 1.) Am not currently in Europe and 2.) Have not yet fed our toddler her afternoon snack. Alas, I turn to laughter for her soothing balm...

If you, yourself, are currently in need a good belly-laugh, visit my new heart-friend-that-I've-never-met
-but-she's-still-my-new-heart-friend-Kim's blog (AKA The Yummy Mummy.) Entries 'The reason there's not much in the fridge,' 'Martha Stewart's Barn Floor,' and 'Baby Watermelon' literally had me laughing out loud. It felt SO good. (In 'older posts' check out her take on Jerry's Seinfeld's wife's new cookbook.)

Picture courtesy of The Yummy Mummy, who stole it from the New York Magazine. Personally, I love Martha's awkwardly sinister stance--she looks about as natural as a men's underwear model in a Sear's catalog.

Lordie, Kim, you are a hoot. Basil, Garlic and Martha Stewart's Barn Floors are chicken soup for the soul on a day like today.

D: are you in a funk too? It has not escaped my notice that you have not posted since 'Farewell, Beloved Modoc Lane'? If you are up for the drive, there's enough pasta to go round.


Kellyry said...

Perhaps you need some gum. The strawberry kind, not the minty kind. :-)

DeniseMarie said...

I am indeed in a state of funk. Between worrying about and caring for my recovering husband, 3+ weeks of bad sleep, coming to terms with the old homestead disappearing in a flash of flame and puff of smoke, and sad reports of illnesses and deaths in the families of those I love and those they love....well, those things tend to bring on the blues. I would have liked nothing more than to be in your kitchen tonight.

b said...

Sorry to hear you are in a funk, D.

Looking forward to seeing you guys tomorrow night...

K: yes, I think some strawberry gum would hit the spot.