Sunday, November 11, 2007

Deckin' our halls

(i am in love with this magnolia wreath, stand and garland.)

Call us crazy, but we're decorating for Christmas already. Used to be--not more than 4 or 5 years ago--that nothing bugged me more than how retailers rolled out Christmas earlier and earlier every year. But last year it took weeks to actually get the tree decorated and the season just seemed to pass so quickly. This year, we'll be passing 3 weeks of yuletide in Sub-Saharan Africa. As in 95 degree weather and 1,000% humidity. Praying to God that our baby doesn't get malaria (please pray with us).

So on that note, we decided to get the season rolling early and enjoy the coziness now, since we won't be back until a few days before Christmas.

i am also very much in love with the paper stars shown here.


Kellyry said...

VERY pretty!

DeniseMarie said...

I saw those same magnolia decorations in the PB catalog and also loved them. But couldn't justify the cost, sadly. There are already too many things on my "I don't need it, but I really want it" list. I agree with you about it seeming to take so long to get the decor up, and then before you know it it's time for it to come down. We're planning to start decorating next Sunday. Kell's Turkey Party, I think, is a good marker for me to give myself the ok to begin decking our halls. I don't know what I'll do next year when she's not here to throw the dinner........

b said...

I know. I did spring for 3 paper stars, but couldn't justify the cost of the rest of it either knowing that the mere decorations on my hearth could provide, like 70 kids with AIDS medicine for months. Or food 300 people. Just doesn't feel right...

If someone gave me their 'old' cast-off magnolia wreath and garland from Pottery Barn, I probably wouldn't throw it away though. :)