Sunday, November 25, 2007

O Tannenbaum

We love our Christmas tree. We like to get it as soon as possible and keep it up until it is a fire hazard (usually primo February.) Since we won't be around for most of the season, it was paramount to get out there the minute the lots opened. We got to take Faith home with us from Thanksgiving, so she helped find the perfect specimen.

Faith is an amazing young girl and has a special gift with children. She is Audrey's 'Godsister' and the reason we chose her middle name.

Yes, we all love Faith and her entire family. Jez, Dina and Scott. Since moving back from Australia 2 years ago, they've been on the road in full-time ministry. Very selfishly, we are glad that our friends are back in town for a while.

1 comment:

Kellyry said...

Sweet girls.