Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Off to see the wizard

This morning we leave home to pick up our nanny (B's aunt Gail) and stay the night near LAX, flying to JFK early Thursday morning, then on to Accra, Ghana (arriving Friday.)

Ghana is in West Africa, located between Cote D'ivoire (Ivory Coast), Burkina Faso and Togo, in the Gulf of Guinea (part of the Atlantic Ocean.) It's a 5 hour flight to New York and then about a 10 hour flight to Accra.

Accra (pronounced uh-CRAW) is the capital city, where we'll be staying for just a few days before heading North. As seen on the map of Ghana (below), Accra is located on the Southern coast. It's a bustling African town modern and prosperous by developing country standards.

Then, after a few days in Accra, we'll be taking a 2 hour flight north to Tamale (pronounced TAH-muh-lee), where we will be for several weeks. Tamale is a VERY different place than Accra. Mostly Muslim and already extremely poverty-stricken, the conditions were recently made much worse by disastrous flooding in that part of the country. Further, this Northern region has been the site of much religious and political tension (warring tribes.) The last time we went, this was all an exciting adventure. This time, with our baby, it is an exciting and terrifying adventure. Pray, please. Thank you.

P.S. If you are interested in reading more about our trip, from a more professional & vision perspective, check out our Amani Global blog.


Kellyry said...

I love adventures. Even when it's not me going on them.

Molly W. said...

Have a safe, fun, and exciting time!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You guys better take good care of my mom!...I didn't hear anything about tribal conflicts till now!..haha!..My thoughts and prayers will be with you all! Be Safe and Luv you guys!

DeniseMarie said...

I'm with Summer--did you guys purposely save the "tribal conflicts" bit for the last minute so that none of us would try to talk you out of going?! It' in my nature to worry, so I'll do a lot of that while you're gone. But I'll also pray like a fanatic and trust that God is carrying all of you as precious cargo.

Unknown said...

Kaere alle!
Hav en rigtig god tur!
Alt er i Guds hånd, lige meget hvor vi er.
Vær en velsignelse hvor I kommer frem og lad jer velsigne uden frygt.
Ville ønske at jeg var med jer ud over i tankerne.
Vi tænker på jer når vi spiser vores dejlige julesild.
Kaerligst Marian