Tuesday, September 4, 2007


God is good to us in more ways than we can count but one of our greatest blessings is the gift of friends. Denise C. and Deborah W. are two of my oldest & dearest treasures. And how cool is it when your friends find awesome 'significant others' that double the circle of fun?!!

Denise and Matt visited this past Saturday...Audrey LOVES them both. In this pic, a very happy girl is being fed cheese by 'Aunt Niecy'.

Then, on Sunday, we had the pleasure of spending a whole day with Deb, John, and Emma (John's extremely sweet daughter) visiting all the way from Havre, Montana. These three are big NASCAR fans and took us along to a race at the California Speedway. First, we stopped for lunch at Islands (yum!)

"Are you ready to embark upon this redneck adventure?" asked John.

Neither M nor I had ever been to a race before and it was quite the experience. For starters, the heat was diabolical. Seriously, 115 degrees F and humid. (FYI: Audrey stayed home with Grandma.) We were drenched in sweat 15 seconds after leaving the car. (Oh, and did I mention that we have sinus infections?) Armed with Sinutab, sunscreen and tons of water, my feet were already scorching as we crossed the parking lot, but we were curious and glad to be taking the plunge with experts.

And I do mean experts because there's alot more to this racing thing than we knew. Apparently, everyone has a 'driver' that they root for and since we knew nothing about the sport whatsoever, John was kind enough to pick Dale Ernhardt Jr. for me and guided M towards Jeff Burton. He even bought us both t-shirts the day before. Each driver is a celebrity of sorts, with his own personality-profile, driving & team style, etc.

We arrived a couple hours before the race to view the pre-race hubbub and observe the phenomenon of so many rednecks gathered in one place. We all had quite a few laughs--it was quite the sight and I will muster all that is within me not to say more on that subject.

It was a fun time hanging with our friends, the race was thrilling and fun to get the low-down on the sport . WOW do those cars get some serious speed!!!!!!

Emma had the 411 on every driver; she's been learning from her dad since she was little.

Did you know that sno-cones save lives? These XL ones literally did. If they would have cost $20 each, I would have gladly paid it.

M really got into the race--'his' driver did really well.


Kellyry said...

I'm glad to hear you were saved by a Sno-Cone. Not a bad thing to be saved by!

DeniseMarie said...

I'm still in shock that you 1) attended the race and 2) survived. Mike will never ever ever live down those six simple words you wrote: "M really got into the race." Heckling will ensue, you can count on it. Later can I get more to the story--specifically, what you restrained yourself from saying about the redneck frenzy? Honestly, we thought about you guys all day long, wondering if you'd melted into puddles of sweat and nasal secretions or were actually enjoying yourselves. I'm glad to hear it was the latter.

Anonymous said...

I'm STUNNED! What else is there to say?...........