Monday, September 10, 2007

Church: Part 1
In lieu of church bashing, I'll borrow words from others on the subject.

First, what the Bible says about church attendance?

Nothing. When the New Testament was written, there was no such thing as church buildings, pastors, etc. What the Bible does say (among other things), is that those who follow Jesus are a part of His church (Mt. 18.20), and that we should regularly be together with other followers. Being together, loving and sharing in the spirit of Jesus.

Sometimes our church meets at the park on a slide...

or on a blanket eating guacamole and chips...

or reunites at a friends house...

or in pj's and a pink cowboy hat...


DeniseMarie said...

I realize this is shallow and not at all related to the theme of your post, but B your short bangs look SO CUTE in that pic of you. I think I may have changed my mind about super-short bangs.... On you, anyway.

b said...

Thanks, D. They are growing out, thank heavens.

BTW--I miss you!

Kellyry said...

I will refrain from commenting on how *I* was the fashion-forward one to recognize how cute, cool & hip the short-bangs were to begin with. Yes, I'll refrain from saying all that.