Friday, September 14, 2007

Jello & other molds

The Flylady says that you should stay on top of the laundry so that it won't get out of control.
And since the arrival of our baby, we really couldn't agree more.

So each day, I faithfully wash & (most of the time) dry, at least one load.

Most days, however, I seem to be falling down on the whole 'folding' part of the job. Consequently, 3 or 4 loads pile up inside of my laundry basket and lo and behold, the 'Laundry Mold' was invented.

A distant cousin of the infamous Jello Mold, the Laundry Mold is no less important to the success of the American household.

(Notice how sheets, blankets, underwear and clothes meld together into one harmonious, wrinkly mass. Ebony and ivory...)

Mike's Nana irons her bedsheets and pillow cases--has for 50 years. Denise once demonstrated how she and Martha Stewart fold a fitted sheet.

In this house, we're lucky if the clothes get peeled apart and folded into crumpled piles, before they are called upon again.

Ever forget about a load in the washer and end up with that 'not so fresh' mildewy smell? For heavens sake, don't dry it in the dryer or the odor will be baked in FOREVER.
Instead, re-wash in cold water, adding vinegar & Oxyclean instead of detergent. If you really want to impress family and friends, add a splash of fabric softener in the spin cycle.

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