Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Nudity goes with alot

--Edit: July 15th: since there are so many creepy people on the Internet and we've made our blog public again, the nude picture is removed. You still get the general idea.---

A homemade scarf and platinum shoes look good with nudity.

Or you for evening, you can never go wrong with a glamorous black/metallic scarf and your birthday suit.

Bar-b-que ribs are such a mess anyway, I say why not eat 'em nude?

And when you're using glitter to make your Valentines, it's much easier to make them whilst naked and just shower off afterward.


Kellyry said...

These will be perfect for her wedding-day childhood slideshow. I wish I looked so cute nekkid!

DeniseMarie said...

Look at her gnawing away at that rib bone--a girl after her uncle Matt's heart, if I do say so! Maybe if I ate naked I'd have a lot fewer stained blouses. Arg. If I looked that good in my birthday suit I'd probably wear it as much as Audrey obviously does.

Molly W. said...