Monday, February 9, 2009

A revelation.

Everyone around me has probably always known this but has been far too kind to break it to me: I am a dork. 

I have always known that I am a goof, a bit unconventional...and unique in my own way. But isn't everybody?
Over the past few weeks, however, I have suddenly realized that this is far beyond the realm of normalcy. 

I think I may have a mild version Turret's syndrome. You know- the disorder where you blurt out cuss-words and have tics (spelling?) Only in my case, I blurt out abruptly direct questions/comments, etc.--not cruel or even meant to be rude-- just without much filter. Things that no extremely nice person would actually say (Denise!) even if they are thinking them. You may not believe it, but to me this trait has just always passed as openness/sincerity. And instead of twitching, I'm just extremely ungraceful and clumsy, obsessively multi-tasking, to the peril of each and every task. Just now, for example, while I was writing this, I heard a huge splash out in the kitchen. Assuming that it was my very low-end and loud dishwasher, I continued writing. When the lovely smells of lavender and burnt sugar wafted into my senses, I suddenly remembered that I was infusing a pot full of honey on low heat. I ran into the kitchen only to discover honey boiled out onto my entire ceramic cooktop. Burning and scorching...creating yet another mess for myself to clean up.
This is starting to sound like a different disorder altogether. When I was a kid my favorite cough drop was Sucrets. So I think I'll call it that. 

I am a dork and I blame it on my Sucrets.
How is it, exactly, that I have any friends?

I am a dork, suffering from Sucrets. Admitting it is always the first step, right?


Kellyry said...

Yes, awareness/admitting is the first step to 'healing'. :-)

Phoebe said...

Unfortunately I think I suffer from the same problems. Although I don't have Sucrets to blame for it.

DeniseMarie said...

Ha! I remember your Sucrets addiction. You were always good for a tin.

As for the dork diagnosis, as I have said many times before: 1) I am not nice! and 2) You're not a dork in the traditional sense of the word--which is to say, a nerd, weirdo, social outcast, etc. You're just a little clumsy and somewhat filter deficient. But what's wrong with that? I agree with Phoebe, in that we all suffer from these things to some extent, and by your definition I'm pretty sure I have Sucrets, too.

Let's start a support group.