Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Symphony of Crackle

"How can you tell how good bread is without tasting it? Not the smell, not the look, but the sound of the crust. Listen. [bread crackles] Oh, symphony of crackle. Only great bread sound this way."
- Colette (Ratatouille)

If you love bread, this tip might just rock your world.

I am by no means a bread-baking expert. That being said, I have baked quite a few loaves and buns in my life. Most Danish people bake their own bread regularly and consider it no big deal. But most my breads & rolls, while tasty, have lacked that elusive and tell-tale crust of true artisan textures.

On a NY Times blog, I have discovered a tip from a famous NYC baker that has completely revolutionized my crusts. And best of all, it is super simple. It is no feat to create culinary masterpieces with tons of time and/or money. Most artisan bakers have amazing ovens, stones, equipment, etc. Simple rocks my world.

See sidebar, 'What's Cookin Hot Stuff' for the tip.

I am on a quest to learn how to make awesome but super quick/easy breads, so that we can have fresh bread more often. If anyone has tips or is interesting in joining me, let me know. 


Molly W. said...

I met a friend of Adam's the other day who was telling me about this bread dough that is super simple that she makes and leaves in her fridge and pulls out some as she needs it -she and her husband both say it has changed the way they eat. I will try and get the recipe (I know its only a couple of ingredients) and tell you about it.

DeniseMarie said...

Just reading about all this bread made my tummy growl. Yumminess.

PS: I want to move in with you.

Kellyry said...

I read an article somewhere about dutch oven bread that was supposed to be fantastic. I printed off the recipe and tucked it somewhere. I'm guessing this is it, or similar.

b said...

Molly: I would be very interested in seeing that recipe.

D: You may absolutely move in with us. Rent free. My only request is that you help me fold laundry.

Methinks Matt would kidnap you within a week.

Matt said...

I would kidnap her, but in all liklihood it wouldn't even take a week.

That Ratatouille quote you have is from my favorite scene in the movie. I get hungry every time I hear that bread crackle.