Monday, January 12, 2009

Susie Homemaker, MBA

I'm discovering that once you've (for the most part) made peace with the decision to stay home with your young child, it's all about embracing the role with all your heart while trying to stay out of the sanitarium, with all your mind. (Which is why I, a total gym h-a-t-e-r, have finally resigned myself to my fate of becoming a member as I cannot, for the life of me, get my usual pilates routine done without interruption during the course of a day.)

I read a really interesting article in Wondertime magazine once. The female author lamented how she wishes someone had told her how painfully...and fleetingly short this season of life (staying home with young children) would be. Apparently, she'd spent alot of time struggling with the worry/fear that the rest of the world (read: career world), was passing her by...leaving her behind. And what nonsense that turned out to be. So I took her words to heart over the past year and have really decided to enjoy and be fully present in this season of my life--which I have chosen, by the way--rather than trying to straddle so many things that I feel I am doing none of them well. Alas the temptation to do too much is not absent, even from the realm of a stay at home mom, be it via unrealistic expectations for how clean the house should be at all times--to abstaining from some of the fun things to do in our neighborhood. 

Whatever place in life we find ourselves, truer words were never said than these: "Our hearts are restless, until they rest in Thee."


Molly W. said...

cool. good thoughts.

Kellyry said...

I imagine there would be something empowering about being a homemaker and doing it well; going beyond the resentment of the day to day and seeing as a task with cool challenges and opportunities. Hard to remember when answering the same question for the millionth time ("Mommy can I watch that video now?" "LATER, I already told you later!") but good to try.

DeniseMarie said...
