Sunday, January 4, 2009

More catching...

These pictures are in reverse order but I simply cannot be bothered to upload them again. This is one of things impeding my desire to blog as well: uploading pics is a pain in the butt and has only gotten more difficult after they changed how the pics get dumped into the bottom of the screen. Can anyone explain what's up with that?

Back to the subject at hand...
Summer was filled with too many happy days to catch but a few more highlights include...a trip to Seattle. The Lindbergs (from Denmark) were on a family vacation around the U.S. and we met up for dinner at Salty's--so fun to see them again.

Cecilie and Audrey got on just fine

Jesper (Lindberg) has grown to be quite the charmer, but Audrey was most taken with Tina

Michael and Michael talked non-stop about what's going on in their businesses

We also had a great time hanging with friends we hadn't seen in a few months--the Holt family. (You may recall that Lone, Eric and their two girls Danica and Maddie moved back to the U.S. a year and a half ago from Aarhus. They bought a house in Snohomish, close to Eric's family, about 40 minutes outside of Seattle.)

In typical Lone style, she has decided to paint their fireplace/chimney post-box red. Not merlot red, R-E-D. And it looked cool. She's got crazy ideas and always pulls them off. Amazing girl!

Lone prepping some food....

Notice that Maddie and Audrey are raiding the fridge in the background.

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