Thursday, August 16, 2007


They say that you shouldn't give advice unless someone asks for it. But you know what? It's my blog (well technically it's our family blog; but I'm the only one that ever posts) and where am I otherwise going to get rid of all the stuff I've been learning for the past 33 years?

Far, far, far from 'knowing it all', I just love to learn. Always been curious and loved to read...I still have tons of unanswered questions. But before I can receive more new stuff, I just have to unload some of my old wisdom. So be prepared, because here it comes. My captive, opt-in audience is probably only 2 people. But I don't give a rats you know what. My brain's about to explode with all this wisdom--so here it comes, dripping out.

And if you don't want to hear my advice, simply don't read my blog. No one is forcing you. Because in the words of Spacelady, "It's mine, mine, mine."

Do feel free to chime in with your own pearls...

"How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose understanding than silver!"
Proverbs 16:16

"Wisdom is supreme. Therefore get wisdom. Though it cost you all you have, get understanding."
Proverbs 4:7


DeniseMarie said...

Ooh, bring it on! (That t-shirt is great.)

Kellyry said...

Is this post in RESPONSE to something or an advance warning of sorts to something? If the former, I missed something...

b said...

Nah, this was basically just a response to a sudden whim that I had to dispense wisdom, at will, on my blog.