Thursday, August 9, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday Audrey!

Can it really be true? Is our sweet little, tiny baby already a whole year old? In some ways, it feels as if the last 365 days have flown by like a snap of the fingers. On the other hand--how much life has changed in one single many milestones, joys, sleepless nights, tears, hugs, kisses, and countless hours of staring at this amazing person.

In just one year, Audrey is already becoming herself. Engaging, joyful, intelligent, reasonable, curious and determined are words that already describe this little person. How blessed we are to have the sacred trust of loving and nurturing this little treasure, on her journey to becoming herself.

A funny story: Lately, Audrey is fascinated with animals and recently learned the sign for 'dog', which she uses for any non-human creature. In particular, she is taken with giraffes.

Well, this morning, as we were laying in bed looking at a picture of the Eiffel Tour and could not understand why she was pointing to it and doing her 'animal' sign. We peered into the picture looking for any sign of a bird or other creature...until we realized that to her, the Tour looks like a giraffe!!!

P.S. The suspicious-looking black object to Audrey's right is my censorship efforts. For some reason, Mike didn't want his manly chest pasted all over our blog.

1 comment:

Kellyry said...

Haha! Until you I read to the bottom of this post I didn't notice the suspicious looking black-something-or-other in the photo. But now I can see it's your sly attempts to cover up something mysterious...

BTW, she's so smart and imaginative to recognize that the Eiffel Tower is reminiscent of a giraffe. She's one smart cookie.