Friday, April 27, 2007

To our favorite guy, on his birthday.

Dear Daddy,

For your birthday, I've compiled a Letterman-style list of Top 10 reasons why you're the best daddy in the whole wide world:

10.) You let me scratch your eyes out with my razor-sharp nails and constantly make your sunglasses filthy.

9.) You feed me at just the right speed--not too fast; not too slow.

8.) You hug and kiss me all the time.

7.) You hug and kiss mommy all the time.

6.) You're really patient. With me, mommy--and everyone, in general.

5.)You work really hard to take care of us but always make time to just be together (hereunder playing fun stuff and letting me repeatedly knock over your block buildings).

4.) You give the best baths--absolutely on par with any world-class spa that I've ever been to.

3.) You've gone to almost every single doctor's appointment that I've ever had.

2.) You care about the stuff that really matters in life and sacrifice to make priorities realities. (Like giving up TV)

2.) You're really strong and athletic and you run fast. I hope you'll teach me some sports stuff someday. (Oops! Was there already a #2? Oh well, I'm like mommy: can't limit it to just 10; and I can't count yet anyhow.)

And the #1 reason that you're the best daddy in the whole wide world:
You are really funny. You're even willing to sacrifice your dignity by dancing with us to Gwen Stefani songs like 'If I were a rich girl' and 'Hollaback girl.'

Love Yours Truly,
Brandi and Audrey


DeniseMarie said...

So sweet. Happy birthday, Mike. I'll use this anniversary of your birth as an excuse to utter yet another prayer, thanking God for bringing you into B's life...

Kellyry said...

Happy Birthday to a brother-in-law whose care for me is truly like a brother, and not an obligatory family member--So glad you're around! Hope you have a fabulous day and wonderful year to come!

(And thank you for loving my sister & niece so well!)