Saturday, April 28, 2007

36: Part I, Disneyland

So the first thing Mike wanted to do after turning 36? "I wanna go to Disneyland!" Neither of us had been in a while, but 500 bucks later we were in! (Holy-toledo they rake it. When's the last time you rented a locker at DL? Well don't waste your time rummaging for quarters like we did. No siiiiiirrrrrrrrreeeeeeeee: $7 for the smallest locker.)

Mike was wished a 'happy birthday' by 26 Disney Cast Members and sung to at a restaurant (he was wearing a button they gave him at the ticket counter.) Apparently, Galaga has always been his game so we had to hit this machine when we saw it!

Only one minor disturbance when a man behind us in line at House of Horrors told Mike that the coke he was drinking would dissolve nails. (To which Mike patiently replied: "Well it's a good thing I don't have any nails inside me then!") The guy then proceeded to tell us that if we wanted to look as good as he does at 68 years old, we'd better lay off all meat, sugar and dairy. (To which I replied: "yeah, dairy would be hard for me." Says the guy: "Dairy is just pus." Mike about spit out his coke and said, "excuse me?" "Pus," says the guy again. People in front of us turned around to glare. "What about mothers milk? That's the healthiest food on earth," I challenge. "Oh no" says healthy home-pops. " You gotta ween kids off that stuff as soon as possible." He then gestures proudly to the pretty young woman standing beside him and says, "and this isn't my daughter either."

As he continues to preach Mike's ear off, I attempted to make chit-chat with the woman (who looked about 25), " did you two meet?" To which she replies in very broken English, "Don't speak English. Am Russian." Mystery solved. Poor girl.

Other than that, a wonderful time was had by all.

1 comment:

DeniseMarie said...

Matt accidentally bought whole milk at the market last night, so this morning I had the most decadent bowl of Cheerios ever--I felt like a pampered queen! That old geezer may look 30 years younger than his actual age, but I'm sure that depriving himself of yummy dairy goodness has shriveled his soul.