Monday, April 30, 2007

Rooster's & Wheelie Karma

Most of you will not find it all surprising that we've been hearing a rooster cock-a-doodle-dooing every morning this week, out here in Oak-Hills-billly. Nonetheless, we were pretty taken aback when we first heard it. It is, after all, a brand-new housing tract.

At first, we looked at each other in dismay thinking, 'GREAT--goats are soon to follow.' But you know, the rooster is already growing on us. It's a cheery 'good morning' sound that makes me feel like I live someplace exotic, like the Provencal countryside. Unlike the sound of dirt-bike riders racing up and down my street, which adds no charm to life WHATSOEVER.

As long as I don't actually see my rooster neighbor, or he doesn't start making babies, he can stay.

P.S. Schadenfreude. Are we evil?

Please vote (via 'post remarks' below) for whether or not we are officially evil, based on the following scenario from real-life:

The aforementioned dirt bike riders drive us CRAZY with how OBLIVIOUS and INCONSIDERATE they are, revving their engines loudly up and down the street. Despite the fact that it is ILLEGAL (to ride on streets) and that they can roll/drive around in the dirt to their hearts' content in the desert located just 1 minute away, they feel the need to peel down my quiet residential street--waking up our sleeping baby...and the dead.

As mentioned, it's ILLEGAL. However, before calling the cops to make a report, we always try to talk to the person, appealing to their sense of decency. Usually, we tell them that they probably have no idea how extremely loud it is, that it's dangerous because there are lots of children playing outside, that our baby wakes up every time they screech by...oh- and did they realize that it's ILLEGAL?

So back to the evil part. There's this one 30-year old guy around the corner who does it all the time--rides up and down the streets--over and over again, revs his engine, does wheelies (spellcheck likes this version of the word). Our attempts at neighborly decency were met with: "Honey, this is what I do for a living, I'm not gonna stop." Me: "So you don't care AT ALL about anyone but yourself? You don't care that it's dangerous, illegal and highly disruptive to the peace of this neighborhood?" Wheelie-popping-jerk: "Nope."

Yesterday, Mike found out from a neighbor that this "professional" completely BIT THE DUST right outside Audrey's window a few days ago. Apparently, he was popping a wheelie, biffed it SO HARD that he had to be taken away by an ambulance. Ok, we cannot hide our ...Schadenfreude (once again, the perfect word.) Are we evil? Vote now...

Schadenfreude (pronounced: shahd-n-froi-duh): "malicious joy in the misfortune of others" (from German.)


Kellyry said...

AS long as he only doodle-doos once (maybe twice) each morning, that's fine. But if he were to do it several times in succession, fried chicken may be on the evening's menu.

DeniseMarie said...

I think it's illegal to own roosters in residential neighborhoods....My biggest neighbor complaint? Having to keep all my doors and windows closed on lovely spring evenings because the neighbors come outside to smoke their cigarettes. And we also have biker gangs who come by regularly and make the windows rattle in their frames. Grr.

DeniseMarie said...

NOT EVIL. Hooray for karma! (Now what would be truly evil is if my neighbor got lung cancer and I threw a party or something...)

Kellyry said...

I laughed at the biker guy biting the dust...So I guess that means I vote for No, you're not evil...Or maybe I'm just evil too.

Unknown said...

NOT EVIL - what goes around come around (works for former despotic landlords too!)

I'd've gone out and applauded (as long as my wife wasn't there to stop me :-)

b said...

So far, looks like we are not evil. Perhaps none of our more 'gracious' friends don't care to comment...