Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Audrey's Christening

After getting up at 4.30 am to drive down to Palos Verdes, Audrey and her Daddy enjoy a moment outside the Wayfarers Chapel before changing clothes.

This Christening gown has been used in Mike's family since 1857!!! (I have 'white' blouses that are 6 months old and don't look this good.) The lace on her bonnet is from mommy's wedding dress.)

The faithful of the faithful drove all the way to the South Bay to attend an 8am Christening. Held at the gorgeous Wayfarers Chapel, it was a special day for Audrey, her parents and her friends and family.

For us, baptizing Audrey was a time to declare that we realize that she came from- and belongs to- God. We have been entrusted with her care and in her baptism we promised to demonstrate God's love for her--first and foremost by personal example. In doing so, it is our hope that she will grow in her own, personal love and awareness of God and choose to follow Him through her life's journey.

This beautiful chapel was built by Lloyd Write and made of Redwood and glass.

The lace on Audrey's bonnet is from Brandi's wedding dress.

What a pious child--lifting her hands to bless the people. Perhaps the pose the baby Jesus strikes in most painting's isn't so affected after all.

May be the next 'Mother Teresa' is among us...? :)

The Shaw/Probst clans

The Morris/Vanos/Handley/Orr clans

Grandma & Grandpa

The Shaw aunties

Auntie Lisa

Audrey's many beloved cousins

Audrey's Great Grandparents: Papa, Jean & Nana

The Great Grandparents & Hal & Donna Handley

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