Sunday, March 9, 2008

34. 37. 45.
@ La Plaisible

Saturday, I turned 34 and it was a darned-near perfect day.

My darling husband and precious daughter took me out for a yummy breakfast at Mimi's (the closest we can get to Marston's, without driving 60 miles. We then putzed around and got things ready for our dinner guests...and what a fun time that was--a joint celebration with Matt (born on the 10th) and Lisa (né the 21st).

On the menu? Personal, homemade pizzas with all the fixin's you could want (see below), salad, and assorted beverages. Last but not least: each birthday celebrant's favorite dessert. Matt: German Chocolate Cake (Kelly outdid herself as always). Lisa: Peach Cobbler and b: Creme Brulée.

For posterity, each person recorded their own personal pizza and gave it a name. (Very revealing. Could be an effective substitute for the group interview in Psy.D. programs!)

Oh--and I have decided that any home in which we live shall herforth bear the name, 'La Paisible.' Pronounced 'plae-zee-bl'., it means 'the peaceful place' in French and I stole it with abandon. La Paisible was the name of Audrey Hepburn's dearly beloved home in Tolochenaz, Switzerland. (For those who don't know it, I am obsessed with all things Audrey H. And actually, although her elegance and class did certainly contribute to our love of the name to become our daughters, my acute fascination is only about a year old. Now, I read anything I can about her.)

Anyways, here were the pizza options at La Plaisible:
(When ordering by phone, you may use the # or name of your pizza. No substitutions please.)
P.S. These are written exactly as they were recorded by the chefs.

1.) The Magnificat (Denise)
Pepperoni, olives, mushrooms, basil and double cheese
created by Denise

2.) Twisted Classic (Kelly)
1 1/2 x sauce, corn, garlic, pepperoni, topped w/ cheese (lots!), sprinkle of basil, and more diced garlic.

3.) La Trioso (Matt)
A 3-part gustatory event
Part 1 - Canadian Bacon, pineapple, mozzarella
Part 2 - Pepperoni, garlic, green, red, orange peppers, olives, mozzarella
Part 3 - Italian sausage, olives, green, red, orange, peppers, corn, Port Salut cheese, mushroom, onion, basil.

4.) Woman In Transition (Lisa)
Sauce, sausage, pepperoni, cheese, mushrooms, basil, olive oil

5.) Mike's Magnificent Meatlover's (uh...Mike.)
Sausage, pepperoni, Canadian bacon, cheese, sauce, onions, garlic

6.) Yin/Yang (b)
Yin: Generous smearing of tomato sauce and mozzarella, garlic, pepperoni, pineapple, peppers, onions. Then more garlic.
Yang: Generous smearing of tomato sauce and mozzarella, garlic, Canadian Bacon, pineapple, peppers onions. Then more garlic.

Upon emerging from the oven, Yin/Yang is lightly drizzled with extra virgin olive oil and basil.
This deep dish is prepared in a cast-iron skillet, lightly brushed in olive oil and butter, then set atop an open fire to give it that golden brown crust. Depending on how much time the Chef spends chatting and goofing around, the crust may be burned.

Bon appetit!

P.S. Notes on photos. There are an embarrassing number of pictures with me in them but hey--I was pretty much the only one taking any. Further, Lisa (who was having her taxes done) appears in only one picture because by the time she had arrived at around 6pm, the party was already in full-swing, we were in our pj's and no longer cared about documenting the event.


Kellyry said...

So glad to have been a part of the lovely evening! All was delicious and the company excellent.

DeniseMarie said...

I agree on all counts. And I can also vouch that The Magnificat (which, by the way, also included garlic, but I forgot to write it down on my description) reheated excellently and made a scrumptious lunch yesterday. Thank you for hosting the Birthday Triumvirate!

Molly W. said...

all of it looks divine...all of it! Happy birthday Brandi!