Friday, December 28, 2007

Santa loves you. Jesus too.
Part II:Silent Night

Christmas Eve with Kelly was extremely hyggeligt! (Yes, Matt, even with tacos and beans. Don't you get 'ham'd out' by the end of the season?)

Peaceful, quiet and reflective...

...with a viewing of Charlie Brown's Christmas. (Deep stuff.)

The next morning, Santa had left a few gifts!

...and we had a yummy breakfast...

Later, we went to the Probst house where some other kids we know were having a BALL playing with their new Wii. Some of us had more fun designing everyone's Mii and trying to make it look like the actual person. (Except for Mike's; his Mii icon looks suspiciously like Kim Jung Ill. This started at Matt & Denise's home.) Other kids watched the Laker's game. (Ah, America.)


Kellyry said...

It was indeed VERY hyggeligt. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of your family celebration!

Anonymous said...

I'm not pro-ham (in fact we went the whole holiday season w/o one), not even pro "traditional faire" (except Thanksgiving - that's a must!)

Just making a not so veiled reference to my (oh so unusual for a SoCal native) dislike of all foods mexican.

We had Kansas City BBQ ribs for Christmas eve - meat fell right off the bones!

Abby... the Oregonian said...

brandi, i have had your number on my chalkboard for about 3 months and will call, i promise next week when the family and quests leave. we talk portland... ab