Thursday, December 20, 2007


Aaaahhhhh, home. We don't think that we have EVER enjoyed returning home, than now. This trip was a long one...a very difficult one. One that has shown itself to have different purposes than originally intended. We've been stretched and tested...and now we are tired and looking forward, immensely, to celebrating Christmas here at home. How fantabulous to return to our home, already decorated with a tree and everything. M's mom made it extra festive with fresh roses, fruit and a stocked-fridge. We are so blessed...

Thank you for praying for us. What a gift that, besides colds, we all remained healthy! We've got lots and lots of pictures to catch up on. But working backwards, this was the journey home...

Left the guesthouse where we stayed the last 2 days in Accra, heading to the airport at 8am. Got there in time to have some breakfast:

You probably won't appreciate how much we actually enjoyed this meal; yes, even though it included baked beans. very UK. Real espresso made up for alot.

We subsidized the meal with the real butter, cheddar and raspberry jam that we'd lugged around the country with us in a small cooler. (It's the little things...)

GG and Audrey enjoy breakfast at the airport.


Kellyry said...

Hmmm...Baked Beans for breakfast...Yeah, I don't think so.

But cheese & jam! Now you're talkin'.

DeniseMarie said...

I couldn't be happier that you're home safe and healthy. Rest up!

Anonymous said...

Glad to have you back stateside and safe. Merry Christmas! Happy jetlag recovery! When R U guys going to take a "normal" (ie, short distance) trip? (not that we have anywhere in particular to suggest)

Molly W. said...

glad you are all home safe and sound! I hate jet lag and I can just imagine a baby w/ jet lag -that's rough!!