Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lucky Charms Philosophy.

Man, I am on a roll.
A blogging roll (hahaha). I figure I might as well go with it while it lasts.

I just have to follow up on this Lucky Charms thing. I had a major revelation about myself and how I've changed...and how I eat Lucky Charms is a true microcosm of that change.

You see, when I was a child and we occasionally got to eat Lucky Charms (it was only a rare occasion. Mom cared that we had 'healthy' cereal most days unlike some 'cool/relaxed mom's' that I know who's initials are K.P. and who always, always has L.C.'s in stock), I always ate the 'boring' oaty-cereal parts first, leaving all of the charms for last. Seriously, I would eat around the marshmallow charms and save them for the end.

As an adult, I just scoop em right up at the same time. I don't save them--no way. Why should I? Life is too short to play it safe and prudent, saving the best for last. Nah, I say eat your charms right away because who knows whether you will even be around in 4 minutes? And if you die before you eat your charms, how lame is THAT?!

* I used to do that with my burgers too--saving the middle for last. And so on and so forth with many things in life....but it's just too darn short.

P.S. I think that there might be a biological reason as to why baby is craving L.C.'s--and it can be found on the packaging, as shown. Folic acid and Iron. It's 50% of my daily requirement of the former and 25% of the latter. I mean, everyone knows that pregnant ladies are supposed to take extra folic acid. And my blood test results showed that I am anemic and need to boost my iron intake. So the way I figure it, these are practically medicinal. Right? (Help me out here.)


Kellyry said...

Lucky Charms are the perfect food.

As a daughter from the same family, I too have a curious love of this tasty cereal. When I left for college I remember buying a box of Lucky Charms. I too used to save a spoonful or two of marshmallows for the end of my bowl but with this first 'college box' of goodness I realized something: I was an adult. It's one of my most vivid "I am an adult" memories. I poured that box into a large mixing bowl and while watching Dirty Dancing (for the tenth time) I picked out and ate every single marshmallow, leaving the oaty pieces for the birds.

Baby knows what baby needs and if Lucky Charms are it, well, at the very least we know he is related to us.

DeniseMarie said...

Last night I wasn't feeling so hot so my darling husband made me a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner. I ate all the crusts first and saved the gooey middle for last. And whenever there are mashed potatoes in a meal I have to save some for the very last bite. So apparently I still do this.