Monday, April 26, 2010


Two pink things going on in our home:

1. Pink muscat grapes = YUUUUUMM.
If you've never tasted them, you must. New Seasons Market has them right now. Somewhat tough skins but an incredible, fragrant, honey-like jelly-ish center. A work of art straight from nature.

2. Pink eye = YUUUUUCK.

***I considered it but will spare you the photo after all***

Audrey contracted her first case of it on Friday. Talk about DISGUSTING! In the space of just a few hours, her eyes went from watery looking, to oozing yellow goo and then crusting shut and red, swollen and blood-shot. Antibiotic drops hastily improved the situation but when her mommy woke up with an ever-slightly-sticky eye, she immediately got herself a prescription as well. Call me paranoid but I do NOT need another malady with the birth of our baby imminent.

If you've never had it, it looks pertty darn ugly.
I'm not so sure about this preschool thing. Feels like paying 100% tuition to send your kid 20% of the time and catch disgusting diseases the other 80%.

1 comment:

Kellyry said...

I've had these grapes. FROM. THE. GODS.

Pink eye, not so much from the gods. Just dirty kidlets.