Thursday, April 8, 2010

Feet on fire.

I wish I had a picture to show you of how heinous my feet look right now. 6 whole days after removing tape that a physical therapist put on the top of my feet, I suddenly broke out with a severe allergic reaction exactly where the tape was placed. Having showered daily and even been swimming 3 times, it is a total mystery to me how this is even possible. Not to mention the fact that although I've always had somewhat sensitive skin, I have never had any specific latex allergy, etc. No medical professional or specialist has been able to figure out what is going on or cure me. No systemic or topical ointment, natural cure, etc. has helped. Not even a tiny bit.

Can I just tell you how miserable it is to be mega-pregnant and have your feet burning and itching all day and night long, without any relief whatsoever? For 7 days so far. Really, really fun.

A true case of 'when the cure is worse than the disease'. The taping was done to ease my sciatica. Yeeeeeha.


Kellyry said...


Molly W. said...

ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. that sounds awful, sorry. :(

DeniseMarie said...

Having seen a photo of your acid feet, I simply do not know how you've been able to cope. Glad it's on the mend now, though!