Thursday, June 19, 2008


You may recall that on our most recent trip to West Africa, one of the most urgent issues facing our partners there, was the lack of clean water. It was haunting and heart-wrenching to see fellow humans actually drinking water we would consider too muddy, even for washing our cars. Lack of clean water is an ongoing crisis over most of the African continent; recent flooding, drought, and seasonal factors have only made things worse.

In order to bring more awareness to the issue, writer Donald Miller is riding a bike across the U.S. during June and July. You can check out his site to read more about it or check out his video plug below. You might even consider sponsoring his ride--all proceeds will go to Blood: Water Mission, a non-profit started by the band, Jars of Clay. Donations will help fund the drilling of clean water wells.

$1 will pay for water for one African for an entire year.

Often we say that all we have is Gods'.
But can He really trust us with His money?


Molly W. said...

Wow...only a dollar can do all that? That's amazing. I have a dollar.

Creative Mama said...

seriously. thank you for sharing this... it amazing how much we take for granted...