Tuesday, April 22, 2008

1 1/2 days

We have now officially begun our goodbyes...this weekend with the Mc's:Cormicks and Master's. Sunday, M's fam (sadly, Audrey and I missed that due to a high fever on her part.) Tonight, b's fam. Thanks to all of you who, over the course of the past few months, offered to have goodbye parties and such for us; and for understanding that we preferred the opportunity for a less dramatic departure...to say our goodbyes in a more personal and relaxed way. We appreciate the thought...


DeniseMarie said...

I'm still in denial. Goodbyes were not said.

Molly W. said...

I can't believe moving day is here already! Man, that went so fast!! Enjoy the ol' PNW!! :)

Kellyry said...

Strange. So strange.