Friday, April 18, 2008

Help wanted

There is an item that I simply cannot figure out how to pack: my dried wedding bouquet. Reminding me of one of the happiest days of my life, it is precious and I don't want it to get ruined. It's tricky because it's dried (read-fragile), a bit wide and unstable (because it was hand-tied). Currently, I have it sitting in a vase but I really don't know how to transport it. If I pack anything around it, the petals will probably fall off; if I pack it in a box without wrapping anything around it, it will rattle around. Ideas anyone?


Liz said...

Can you keep it in the vase and put it in a box with packing peanuts? Maybe something more firm around the vase part to keep that from moving (a chunk of Styrofoam?) and then use the peanuts around the flowers. They will help pad it but tend to be more gentle with things like this.

DeniseMarie said...

I think Liz is on to something--keep it in the vase, set the vase down into a tallish box and secure the base with towels or styrofoam. But I wouldn't put anything near or around the actual flowers. Instead I'd sacrifice the room in the back of the truck and transport it with you on the road. OR entrust it to your truck driver and ask him to keep it in his cab for you. I imagine it wouldn't get rattled around much at all there.

b said...

Oooooo--great idea with the packing peanuts! I hadn't even thought of that. They are loose, yet shock-absorbing. And they will just gently shake out of the arrangement.
Pure genius, you guys. My pea brain has been unable to figure this one out for weeks now. It pays to have a blog and really smart friends who read it.

Kellyry said...

Good ideas Liz. Lauren & I packed a similar bouquet for Molly when she moved but we didn't get so fancy; we wrapped it widely in paper and then wedged it in part of a box that would keep it upright. Liz's idea sounds more secure as I'll be curious to hear if M's bouquet makes it out alive (or dead, but still intact).