Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Lord, help us

Oh the crap that happens on 'God's behalf.'

At the yard sale the other day, one of our friends and neighbors was telling us that her oldest son (10 years old) was at a sleepover with some kids down the street and that he was going to church with them Sunday morning--it was a Baptist church and my friend is Catholic.

Fast forward to yesterday...
My friend/neighbor and I are visiting again and she needs to let off some serious steam: her son came home Sunday night, deeply shaken and very very worried. First, he told her that in Sunday school he had been asked what his parents 'were'. When he told that they were Catholic, he was told that he and his parents were going to hell. Straight out. But luckily, he was also told, that he could make his decision and purchase his fire insurance right then and there--but that he should know that without a shadow of a doubt, his parents would make fun of him and that they would try to win him back to 'Satan's side.' She said that her son had nightmares all night, that he lay awake worried that Satan was in their house and was coming to get them (what he was also told in Sunday school).

My friend was angered, offended and deeply disturbed. She shared all of this with me because she knows that I am a Christian and although technically a 'Protestant', that I also deeply respect and attend Catholic services as well.

At first, my stomach was turning with the memories of how I as a young child attending Baptist churches, also 'scared the hell' out of all the kids on Armijo street, where we lived--but especially the Catholic kids. Oh yes, we had special tracts about why they were going to hell. I remember vividly pleading with my best friend, Rita, to pray this specific prayer so that she could go to heaven and I could sleep at night. I remember kneeling by the bed with her and leading her in that prayer. I cringe at that..mistaken zeal and for it's many victims. It was not ill-meant, but I still hope that Rita hasn't had the wrong idea of who God is and what kind of a relationship He wants with her...all these years, because of me.

But SERIOUSLY people: is that conversion? I'm sorry but give me a freaking break. Is it any wonder that we all 're-dedicated' our lives every New Years Eve after watching 'The Thief in the Night?' That so many of these people have had no lasting, personal and deep relationship with Jesus, himself?Is it any wonder that people have a hard time getting to know the one true God? That the diversity of people who were drawn to the loving kindness of Jesus when He walked on Earth hardly feel welcome in most churches today? Is there even a scriptural basis saying that this is the way God views these things?

I am not saying that Jesus was some docile relativist, or that all roads lead to Rome. Jesus said that He himself was the only Way, Truth, and Life.

But Scripture says alot of things that have to be understood in the greater context of who God has shown Himself to be. Just a couple of things that should scare some hell back into us. Just two examples: 'all who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved' (what does it mean to 'call' upon the name of the Lord?) and Jesus said that many people will have done many 'great things' in His name, but that He will still say, on judgment day, 'I knew you not.'

34 years into my life I have attended- and worked as a youth leader with, most of the mainstream Christian denominations. I know people in every one of these denominations who, as evidenced by their love for God and the fruit of their lives, demonstrate that they believe His claim...and others who, despite their many vehemently-held conservative doctrines, show absolutely no evidence whatsoever, that they know this Man at all or believe anything that He says.

From the Inquisition to tracts on why all Catholics are going to hell--oh the crap that happens on God's behalf. Kyrie Eliason.


Kellyry said...

I am so, so horrified and saddened at this. When I began reading this post I feared something had happened to her son's physical well-being, which, on top of everything else that this poor family has been experiencing, would have left *me* shaking my fist at God. "Fortunately" it's just a bunch of people I'd like to call names for what they do on Jesus' behalf. Even more fortunately, Fabi has you & Mike to be honest with her about what God's love and salvation really means for her and her family.

Molly W. said...

I am so sad that poor kid had to experience that. Come on people!!

DeniseMarie said...

God, help us.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone yet spoken to the Baptist parents of this kid? I imagine not, but it would be interesting to hear where they come up with that twisted theology. I grew up Southern Baptist, but thankfully, my family did not believe all Catholics were hell-bound....just like they didn't believe everyone sitting in the pews at their Baptist church were heaven-bound.

b said...

Agree with all of your comments.

Pootrsaunt: You're absolutely right that not all Baptists believe that but, unfortunately, it does seem to be a very common theology among many evangelicals--as many Catholics don't understand how much they have in common with Protestants.

By the way do we know each other?