Saturday, May 15, 2010


Public Service Announcement

We interrupt these festive tidings of the recent birth of our newest family member to bring information valuable to the public broadcasting audience: how to remove Flubber from hair. (Flubber is a gelatinous, sticky material made out of water, white glue and borax. Extremely strange stuff.)

A couple of weeks ago, Audrey received a small container of Flubber in a party favor box. Ecstatic, she had only held it in her hands about 60 seconds before she just HAD to put it on her head. Bad idea.

Flubber absorbs its way into hair about as fast as water would. Unlike gum, it didn't need to work its way in--it was just automatically a gooey mass of hair, completely inseparable.

So what does a mother do? Laptop, please. Google search: 'how to get flubber out of hair'. Results? Turns out good old fashioned mayo does the job. You have to massage it in for a few minutes, dissolving the glue bond in the Flubber, then shampoo & rinse. Then you get to have greasy hair for several days because mayo is a deep conditioner of sorts.


Free and Living said...

looks like audrey needs some harley therapy after the flubber experience!

p.s. i am laughing out loud at this!

Molly W. said...

wow, the timing of this is quite serendipitous. I picked B up from pre-school yesterday and the helper said to me "B has some flubber in her hair, just a fyi." I haven't touched it yet...may need to try this, its only a small amount but in the bangs so -thats bad!! VERY helpful, Bran. :)