Monday, June 2, 2008


Audrey and I were having a 'hyggelig stund' this morning, so I am finally able to satisfy requests for more pictures of the house. Speaking of hyggelig--our visit with the Winn family last night was just that --(sorry there's only this one pic; the rest were no good.)

Brennan Winn (such a doll) double-fisting peaches

This is the coolest picture of Audrey that ever has, or ever will be taken. (From our lovely friend, Denise....whom we miss desperately.)

The living room...from a few angles...

The dining room...

The small, but functional bathroom...

Audrey's bedroom...
(not quite sure what she's doing to Angel the mouse; I think he might be getting frisked.)

Our boudoir...

Pictured here is the famed wardrobe from IKEA that Denise and Mike wrestled into existence. Holy cow--what a mammoth project; and these are two very adept and experienced assemblers, let me tell you. It was no small thing--but there was almost no closet space so we appreciate it every day.

Hopefully we can take pictures of the basement (including office and guest room once the boxes are cleared enough to actually see anything down there.)


DeniseMarie said...

Is it strange that I miss your little house ALMOST as much as I miss you guys? It felt so cozy and loving there--like you guys were HOME at last, so now I associate every room of it with good warm fuzzies. Yes, even the bedroom where the dreaded wardrobe was tackled.

DeniseMarie said...

Oh, and having Brennan and my Audrey love in the same house for an evening?!?! How could you stand all the adorableness???

Kellyry said...

Fab. U. Lous. Your place is all sorts of gorgeousness and hygge. Can't wait to see it in person!

Molly W. said...

BEAUTIFUL!!I came "home" with ENORMOUS cute, old-house envy. I want to move into that neighborhood! (and that house!!)And dinner was DIVINE. Oh -and thank you for letting my daughter be a pig and double fist 2 whole peaches. :)