Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Arthouse Cinema-
Cooler than cool.

M's parents are visiting and so we had a date Sunday night. Having heard about this phenomenon of 'Art House Cinema's', we had to see for ourselves.

If you've never been to one, let me tell you--this will revolutionize our lives forever. Seriously, why aren't there more of these everywhere?

Super cool, old vintage theaters are still used for movies--but now they have tables at your seat, where you can eat while watching the movie! The Laurelhurst theater we went to serves gourmet pizza slices, microbrews and soda by the pitcher or glass (a pitcher of soda cost only $3!), candy, popcorn and donuts. Movie tickets cost only $3. Seriously, how cool is that? And there are 3 or 4 of this in SE alone!


Molly W. said...

That is SO cool! I want to go!

DeniseMarie said...

This is one of the coolest things I've ever heard of. This goes on our "pros" list for sure.

Kellyry said...

Any WHY don't more of these exist?!

Anonymous said...

Good fun! We have a few in our area too :-)