Saturday, May 5, 2007


Do you know the Danish word, 'hygge'? There is no one word that translates exactly in English. It's kind of like a combination of 'cozy', 'intimate', 'yummy', ' fun'--all rolled into one. (fyi: for some reason I cannot get rid of the italics. I'm not meaning to write in italics, but I can't shut it off.)

Back to hygge: it's a GREAT word and one that should definitely be incorporated into the English language the way that the French word, 'clique' is. IKEA actually did an advertising campaign in the U.S. a few years ago using 'hygge'. (Hey, I have no idea why, but italics is suddenly turned off... go figure.) You can use the word as an adjective: "thanks for a very hyggelig time together yesterday" or a verb " it was so hyggelig!" or even as a noun " that was pure hygge." Great, irreplaceably concise word.

Anyways--since we've arrived we have just 'hygged.' After 2 long but surprisingly peaceful flights (LAX-NY, NY-CPH), then a train from CPH to Aarhus ( total travel time of ca. 24 hours), we were met by the sweet, friendly faces of Christina, Gitte and Marian. We arrived ' home' at Marians house only to be greeted by Lone and her two sweet little girls, Danica and Madeline (' Maddie'), as well as an amazing garden lunch. Freshly baked bread (Lone), Danish pastry (Gitte=the devil), all the good Danish lunch items, white wine, beer, juice, etc. (Marian & Christina). It was SOOOO hyggeligt. And so good to be together with dearly missed friends! After lunch we went on a refreshing walk in the forest, showered, and off to bed!

Marian carrying a basket of goodies out to the garden

Marian's backyard The fest

Christina--cute and cheery in Marian's very cool kitchen

Gitte--darling, as ever Sweet Lone and Maddie

My darling husband and Audrey (playing with one of many things the Holts brought for her to borrow while we're here. God bless them!)

By the way, for those of you who prayed: THANK YOU. Audrey coped exceedingly well with the travel. Her very good nature, combined with divine intercession, made for a very smooth trip. She slept decently on the plane rides and was such a trooper. Not one single meltdown. At most some very understandable fussing--being only 10 1/2 hours behind in her sleep, poor thing! Despite the extreme fatigue, she looked as if she was enjoying the whole thing as one big adventure! Everywhere we went and every time she saw new places or people, she looked happy and excited.

Last night, she and Mike headed to bed at 6pm (me at 8pm) and slept all the way until noon today, with just a few wakings to nurse and get a fresh nappy. AMAZING!!!!!!!! Today, she's had 2 restorative naps and went down for the night at 7:45pm (hopefully!) After a day of rest and hanging out at a cafe this afternoon, Marian is now making us dinner.

On our way to a walk in the forest... Danica in the sandbox

We are already being spoiled. In addition to giving us her bedroom, Marian and Lone had gotten all kinds of things ready for Audrey: crib, blankets, all kinds of exciting toys, etc. Eric (hero of the day!) even flew by with a few diapers because, nerds that we are, for all that we packed, we were actually down to just one diaper left. And seeing as how it was a holiday here in Denmark, all the stores were closed.

Weather is great--mid 70's. Supposed to rain this week, but we'll see....

Love to all on the other side of the world...


Kellyry said...

Hygge is one of the best words EVER. Everyone should incorporate it into their vocabularly.

It definitely looks/sounds hyggeligt. Hils dem jeg kender!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your trip went so well. What a tremendous blessing.

DeniseMarie said...

Audrey is a trooper! Little sweetheart. I'm so glad you arrived safely and without drama, and I love the pictures! Please give my best to everyone, especially Gitte.