Saturday, April 23, 2011

5 days.

Our house looks like a refugee camp. Seriously. Ok, minus the other refugees. It's just the four of us, which is a pretty roomy refugee camp. But it's pretty grungy, nevertheless.

Hilarious happenings this week:

- Audrey saying to me, in all seriousness (and with this very grown up look on her face): "You are CREEPIN' me out, lady." (after I asked her whether the snail she'd been playing with outside, had hitched a ride inside on her clothing.)

- Kellen grabbing my cold coffee and attempting to drink it when I turned my back for 15 seconds. It was ALL over him. I took a picture- which is hilarious. But unfortunately, I accidentally took it in a 'mode' that I haven't figured out how to export from my camera.

- Kellen figuring out that 'the squeaky wheel gets the grease' and really finding his 'squeaky voice'. Holy cow. Life was much easier before he figured this out. He is getting FEISTY.

Tomorrow is Easter and I have a very sad feeling about being so absorbed with moving and getting ready for this trip that I have neglected to prepare my heart for - and really absorb the meaning of these 'holy' days. Yes, I know that all days can be 'holy'. But over these past 10 or so years, I have really come to treasure the season of Lent and how it helps me to get re-centered on the things that really matter. Mainly, internalizing that still Inner Voice of Love...and letting it change the way I live.

Instead, this year I have been focused on organizing, purging and buying stuff. Old stuff, new stuff. Packing tape, clothes and so on. I'm looking forward to a time of retreat at Taize. Of course, it won't be the way it was when I went there pre-kid. Still, M and I are going to trade off going to the prayer services and just being in such a peaceful, beautiful place is very conducive to solitude.


Kellyry said...

I want a video of the "Creepin' me out, lady" comment!

Thankfully Jesus is indeed in our hearts and living, the risen Lord, every day - Hurray!

DeniseMarie said...

I'm still in denial that you're leaving. I Do. Not. Want. To. Face. Facts. But since I can't have things my way (our families and babies all cozy together), I may as well give in to my secondary desire: That the trip be safe and adventurous and soul renewing for all of you.