Wednesday, June 23, 2010


...belated Fathers Day to my honey.

It brings tears to my eyes when I consider the incredible father, husband, man, that you are. Loving, joyous, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, self-controlled--all the fruits--plus wicked smart, fun, and hot too. A modern man who knows that housework is a shared responsibility, not 'women's work'-- (even if it doesn't bug you as much as me when the house is dirty. :)

You're the kind of man I hope Audrey marries and Kellen becomes.

Soooo grateful that you are ours.
Audrey, Kellen, b.


Kellyry said...

*I* am grateful that you have a husband like Mike and that A & K have such a father.

DeniseMarie said...

Amen to your post and amen to Kell's comment. Happy Father's Day, Mike! I love you so much that if B died I'd almost be tempted to let you live instead of knocking you off like I promised. But a promise is a promise, so keep that lady safe.

Free and Living said...

Amen. And he married a smart, loving, kind, sexy mama!

Molly W. said...

Happy Father's Day, Mike!!