Monday, September 22, 2008


In lieu of going private at this point in time, I have decided, in solidarity with my good friend Denise, to stand up for some things during this political season. As far as I know, I still have the rights to think my own thoughts and even to express them and I think--technically at least, there's still a constitutional separation between church and state.

To start with, I have a few questions:

-When did political zeal become a 'Christian' value?

- When did we as a nation become so dumb? I mean it. Really and truly. I'd like to know. Can anyone please tell me how our collective intelligence, attention-span, and critical thinking skills have degraded to imbecilic levels?

To be honest, I can see why many non-believers blame it all on evangelical Christianity. Yes, I certainly can.

If only they knew : Jesus never did this.



DeniseMarie said...

I blame sitcom television, commercials, email, and TiVo. We no longer have the attention spans necessary for really studying and understanding important issues. We want our "research" in 30-second advertisements, and because we're lazy and tired and don't want to fact check, we really don't care whether the info in those adverts is truthful.

WhHow long do we wait before moving to DK?

Kellyry said...

2013. I can't leave any earlier.